Learning is the lifeblood of Judaism; join over three millennia of Jewish learning by the People of the Book! Harvard Chabad hosts numerous opportunities for students to explore Jewish texts and ideas covering a great range of social, political, economic, legal, philosophical, and spiritual themes.
No previous knowledge of Hebrew or Jewish text necessary.
If there is a subject you would like to delve into, explore, or debate, please let us know and we will work to create it for you!
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Weekly Classes at Chabad
Now is the time to advance, broaden, and deepen your knowledge. It is a time to prepare for the challenges of life that lie ahead. Being a knowledgeable Jew is being an empowered Jew.
There is always something new to learn at Chabad. Enroll in one of our courses, or stop by any class any time. You’ll be happy you did. Whether you’re a novice to Jewish texts, or a seasoned Hebrew school graduate, these classes will enrich your life with the power of Jewish wisdom.
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HLS Lunch and Learn
Location: WCC ClassroomsLed by: Rabbi Mendel Zarchi
Take a break from your busy day. Join us for a weekly class and a delicious lunch right on the Harvard Law School campus.
Jewish Mysticism
Location: Harvard Chabad LibraryLed by: Rabbi Berel Feldman
Have you ever wondered what makes human beings tick? Do you want deeper insight into the human condition and our spiritual sub consciousness? Discover your soul on this fascinating journey into the deepest recesses of your psyche. Drawing on ancient wisdom, as redacted in the text of the celebrated and seminal volume of Chassidic and Mystical teaching, “The Tanya”, this weekly class will open horizons and vistas beyond anything you have ever read, studied, or imagined.
Location: Harvard Chabad LibraryLed by: Rabbi Menachem Altein
Insightful and thought-provoking discussions on the weekly Torah portion. Drawing from the wisdom of the classical Biblical commentators and Chassidic Masters, this study group will focus on the modern application of the Torah’s teachings.
Camberville Chaburah
Location: Harvard ChabadLed by: Rabbi Menachem Altein
Have you ever been intrigued to discover the wisdom of ancient Jewish literature? The Talmud is as practical and applicable to our modern day lives as it was in ancient Babylonia. Experience the thrill and rigor of Talmudic discussion at the weekly Talmud Class. Join the Whatsapp group for updates on this class.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
Judaism spans 4000 years. You can fill up libraries with its literature. Its practices are vaster and more complex than perhaps any other society. What we are aiming for is to explore some of its core elements: core to Judaism, and core to us—modern Jews in the 21st century.
Learn to read Hebrew in just FIVE weeks!
Ever feel lost at the services because you can’t follow Hebrew? Planning on visiting Israel and want to read the street signs? Want to study the Torah in its original language?
Then this class is for you!
This time proven course will teach you to read Hebrew in only five weeks. We will be using an app and flashcards to get you used to the Hebrew letters, vowels and order so that you will be fluent in them at the end of the five weeks.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
Women’s Torah Learning
Influence vs Power: Explore the Book of Esther and her distinct leadership. -
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
Discover what the Talmud consists of, its function, and how it embodies the entire Oral Torah. All texts will be in English, and no background in Talmud learning necessary for this class. Experience the full vigor of Talmudic logic and debate.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
The Sinai Scholars National Fellowship is an eight-week course covering Judaism’s core principles and beliefs. Classes include text study, field trips, formal graduation, alumni benefits, and a $350 stipend upon completion of course requirements. Click here for more information.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
What is it? Where do Jewish prayers originate? Cut away the old stigmas and visions of a boring prayer ritual. Discover the true meaning of prayer, and it will never taste the same.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
In this course, you will tackle big issues like abortion, euthanasia, freedom of expression, and fair business practice. You will learn how the best Jewish minds struggled with hard choices for thousands of years and trace their search for satisfying resolutions. You will discover how Judaism offers a moral compass to help you find direction through the labyrinth of life.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more, please email us and we will give you more details and schedules.
A brief overview of our history, starting from day one.
Harvard Lunch & Learn
Take a break from your busy day. Join us for a weekly class and a delicious lunch right on campus. Following are some of the locations where we offer this program:
Harvard College
Harvard Business School
Harvard Law School
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Kennedy School
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One-On-One Study
Learning is the lifeblood of Judaism; join over three millennia of Jewish learning by the People of the Book! Harvard Chabad hosts numerous opportunities for students to explore Jewish texts and ideas covering a great range of social, political, economic, legal, philosophical, and spiritual themes.
No previous knowledge of Hebrew or Jewish text necessary.
If there is a subject you would like to delve into, explore, or debate, please let us know and we will work to create it for you!
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Online Learning Center
Chabad.org library
Jewish Holidays
AskMoses.com. Live. One-on-one. 24/6
Why do we keep kosher? Hasn’t religion caused as much suffering as good? What happens after we die? The first Jew began by asking questions, finding answers, and asking questions on the answers. The quest continues…
Love, friendship, sexuality, intimacy, marriage and more.
Lifecycle Events
Brit Milah, upsherin, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, marriage, aging and retirement, bereavement and mourning… from birth to death in Jewish tradition and practice.
Marriage, Children, Shabbat, Freedom, Prayer… Each of these anthologies explore a particular topic with a cross-section of articles, essays, stories and images, culled from the thousands of documents in our library.
Classic chassidic tales, midrashic parables, contemporary stories, spiritual science fiction — there’s no better way to make a point than to tell a story.
Comprehensive, in-depth treatments of an array subjects and issues by Chassidic scholars and professionals.
Each of these short pieces tackle an issue, from love to death and everything in between. You may not agree with all they have to say, but you’ll always come away with something to think about.
Torah Study
For the Jew, “living with the times” always meant looking to the weekly Torah reading for guidance and inspiration. Our comprehensive Parshah section includes translations, summaries, readings and essays for each week of the year.