
Harvard Chabad is dedicated to fostering a deep connection between the Harvard community and Israel. Through educational programming, cultural events, and trips, Harvard Chabad shares Israel's rich history and vibrant culture with our community, creating an informed bond with the Jewish homeland.

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Israel on Campus

Israel & the Jew

For a Jew, the Land of Israel is more than a place. It is a body for the soul of a people. As Yom Kippur is to the Jewish year, so Israel is to the Jewish space: a place to find where you began, where you belong and what you truly are. A Jew does not travel to Israel, but returns there.

What is this anomaly of the Jewish people and its land, this eternal bond that almost two thousand years of exile have failed to sever? Discover—and uncover—where Israel is in the heart of a Jew, and where the Jewishness is within the heart of Israel.

Learn More Here

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Birthright Israel

Visit Israel for free!

Register now for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Israel with birthright! Join the Harvard Chabad trip for an incredible, not to be missed experience!

Registration is open and spots fill up quickly. If you THINK you may be interested, send Berel a quick email! This is NOT a commitment!

To learn more and register: Click here

Be sure to email us once submitting to confirm your application!

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Chabad in Israel

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